Saturday, November 04, 2006

Not much going on but some crazy eights

Today was the day that Drew and I do specialty classes and regular classes. We both opted out of sparring class. While Drew enjoys it, he didn't feel like going, which was fine, and I usually don't opt to do it anymore simply because I don't enjoy sparring that much. I know it's supposed to help, but there can be burnout on doing TKD too, and I'd rather concentrate on other things instead. So, I did forms class, and that went fine. Nothing spectacular. Then I did weapons class. I had to step out a few times during that and board breaking class to help Drew while he took his regular class, but that's Mommy duty for you. Weapons was a little better today. Ben worked with myself and another girl named Sierra on our kamas. Sierra doesn't seem to totally get it, but I'm starting to get it. I didn't even know basic strike lines for it until today, but it's pretty easy. Ben also worked on figure eights with us. They are not hard theoretically, but seeing and doing are a different thing. First of all, I'm not used to doing two handed things. Second, the eights for kamas are slightly different than a BME, so there are some adjustments. Oh, and did I mention having to do everything two handed? Yeah. It's bad enough the right hand has a hard time, but not being left handed--ooh, difficulty there. So, I know what I need to practice. Drew has a mixed class. He started out very well-- he earned 6 paper stars, which I think is a record for him. But by the time class was winding down, he was melting down. I think he was getting hungry, therefore less cooperative. Which is a little odd because he was in the back having a snack during my first 1 1/2 classes, so he shouldn't have been THAT hungry, unless they really worked the kids out. Victoria got after him and had a little talk with him about him acting up. Hopefully she got through to him. He was really irritating me too, as we needed to get out, but I don't know. I've notice that he is just eating a LOT lately. Maybe he's going through another growth spurt or something. Or some other phase at the same time. I don't know. He says he's starting to get bored, which I can believe, but part of it too is that he's been in the same learning cycle for a long time. At the next graduation in December, he will become a yellow belt (hopefully). If he can get through just one more cycle of repetition, then in February he should bump up to Camo recommended, which would finally get him into learning the stuff I've been learning for the last 9 months or so. He and I would actually be learning the same stuff for a while, I think. Not for long, but for a couple of cycles. But I think it'd break the pattern of boredom. Part of the reason I let him get into Masters was so that he could do more with sparring, which he enjoys, break boards and learn weapons, in order to break that boredom right there. It's kind of hard to do with a kid who really doesn't care-- or at least conveys that, whether he gets a new belt or not, but doesn't want to be bored either. It's a weird dilemma. If he just focuses, he is very good. Ryan said that Drew is making progress. According to him, up to last spring, Drew only had 2 speeds - pouting or whacked out. Now he has 5 speeds, which is pouting, whacked out, and a few shades of focusing and working in between. He said the goal is to get him to be like a power truck and get 18 speeds! :-) But, he understands how much Drew has grown while still understanding that he still has a lot more to grow, and understands that in many respects he's developmentally behind, and doesn't come down on Drew as much because of that, which I appreciate. He's willing to work with Drew. Drew can be difficult, but not as difficult as some other kids. Ryan understands Drew's abilities and limitations and works with that, rather than berating him for not being able to keep up. He sees improvement, and he's willing to help him to continue to improve. I'm lucky that between him, SW and the rest of the staff (although I think the kids have to still get a better understanding of Drew sometimes), the things that we try to teach him at home and school are reinforced at TKD.

So, otherwise, not a very exciting day, other than trying to learn the figure eights with the kamas. I missed work yesterday, but it looked like Ryan got the girls to help out with some things that I needed to work on, and that's fine with me. If they want to do it, that saves me some effort!


Miss Chris said...

Is sparring not required at your school? I wish it wasn't required for us but, it is.

Unknown said...

Actually, it's required for us too. However, with the "old ladies" class I take on Wednesday mornings, the instructor generally lets us get away without doing it, unless some of us (usually me and another woman) have a tournament coming up, and then she forces us to do it. I really don't enjoy it, but I think I have gotten better. My exercise induced asthma is a good portion of the reason for that. :-S My bad knee can often be the other reason.

John Vesia said...

When you do kama, do you practice with a form? Are they also called kama in Korean? What are "figure eights"?

Sorry for all the questions!

Unknown said...

There are kama (those little axe things) forms, but at my color belt level, they are still freestyle/creative forms. So, I am still learning the basic strike lines and a few moves from the 3rd degrees and putting something together on my own. They don't call it kamas in Korean, it's a ssahng-nat, I believe, but at our school, we tend to use the term interchangeably, for better or worse.

Figure eights are just that. A single kama weapon in each hand, and then starting the move going from the outside in, you manuever the weapon in the shape of a sideways figure eight with the corresponding twirls. If you do it with both hands, it looks impressive. Maybe if I can ever figure out how to upload and post video, I'll show my "routine" that I'm working on, with strike lines and all. ;-)